Earn Bitcoins Guide
These are websites who has a list of Bitcoin Faucets which you can browse and earn. They put together a list of Bitcoin Faucets in their website and you just need to click on each of them, complete the tasks, and the reward will be sent to the Bitcoin Faucet Rotator. Typically, you will be able to claim those rewards once you have reached a certain payout threshold, quota or target. The threshold vary. Some ranges from, 5000 Satoshi, 13000 Satoshi, 30,000 Satoshi or more. Once you hit those targets, you can now claim and transfer them to your Bitcoin Wallet. Some offers automtic transfer once you have reached those targets, some you would have to claim them manually. For some, aside from the targets, they pay weekly or on a certain day of the week as long as you have hit their targets.
Below is an example of a Bitcoin Faucet Rotators that you can use and earn:
Create an account and start earning Satoshi's by visiting the websites in it.
Click on the tab Free BTC and start browsing the faucets and claim rewards!
The minimum balance required to receive the weekly payout is 13,000 Satoshi.
Automatic weekly payouts are on Sundays midnight (UTC -8).
Make sure that the Automatic payout is checked under My Account -> Payout
Websites that give our "free" Bitcoins are called Bicoin Faucets in exchange for doing simple tasks. This tasks vary such as; solving a Captcha, Clicking on advertisments, viewing a webspage for a ceratin period of time, spinning a roulette or dice, or a combination of the above mentioned.
What you do in these websites is you place your Bitcoin Wallet Address on the field they provide so they know where to send the reward, you do the task they instruct you to do, and once you have completed it, you claim and they send you the reward.
Below are examples of these Bitcoin Faucet Websites:
1. Moonbit
- Can claim every 5 minutes but gives Satoshi every minute
- Can close browser and come back to claim what is giveen
- WEEKLY PAYMENT TO YOUR BITCOIN WALLET - The total balance that you have claimed will be paid directly to your bitcoin wallet on Saturday/Sunday each week (providing the balance at that time is at least 5500 satoshi).
- IMMEDIATE PAYMENT TO YOUR XAPO ONLINE WALLET - If you sign in to Moon Bitcoin with an email address then all your earnings are paid out immediately to the Xapo wallet linked to that email address.
- Can claim every 1 hour
- Gains: 1000-3000 Satoshi's every hour by entering your Bitcoin Wallet Address.
- WEEKLY PAYMENT TO YOUR BITCOIN WALLET - The total balance that you have claimed will be paid directly to your bitcoin wallet on Saturday/Sunday each week (providing the balance at that time is at least 5500 satoshi).
- IMMEDIATE PAYMENT TO YOUR XAPO ONLINE WALLET - If you sign in to Moon Bitcoin with an email address then all your earnings are paid out immediately to the Xapo wallet linked to that email address.
- Earn:1000
- Pays to your choice of BTC Wallet
- Every 60 mins / 5mins
Here are Bitcoin Faucets that Pays via your E-Pay Account:
These faucets will help you reach your E-Pay Threshold faster so you can claim them sooner. Just click on each of them, follow instructions and claim your rewards directly to your E-Pay account.
- ClownFaucet.com
- Coinfaucet.net
- GoldFaucet.com
- CryptoCoin.com
- Bitcoin-Free.net
- MilionSatoshi.com
- MillionSatoshi.com
- Starfaucet.com
- GlobalFaucet.com
- QuickFaucet.com
- NinjaFaucet.com
- FreeBitcoinWorld.com
Here are Bitcoin Faucets that Pays via Faucetbox:
Faucetbox is like a Bitcoin Faucet Rotator where the rewards on the Bitcoin Faucets below are sent to it. There's no registration needed or you do not have to create an account. You just need to put your Bitcoin Wallet Address and nce you have reached the threshold of 0.00013 or 13,000 Satoshi, they will automatically send payment to it.
- Blue Satoshi
- RazerCrypt
- rainingfreebitcoins
- It's Raining BitCoins
- satoshi.ws
- FreeBitcoins4U
- CrystalBit.cz
- PrizeBitcoin
- Bitcoin Cryptorials
- FaucetBitcoins
- Bitcoinerz.eu
- One Ad Bitcoin
- Get Paid Online
- ClaimBit
- Bitcobear
- LindasFaucet
- siizo.com
- Rekbitcoin
- Free Bitcoin Home
- BTCon.net
- Satoshi Fiesta
- Wytewolf BTC
- PuzzleBitcoin
- BTC Snack
- FreebitcoinzTK
- The Free Bitcoin Website
- Your Personal Faucet
- Top-Bit
- All Your Satoshiss
- BTCFaucetCoins
- BitCoin Breaker
- Mini BTC Faucet
- PickUpCoin.com
- BitCoinBarry
- Get Free Bitcoins
- Safe Bitcoins
- Triple Bitcoins
- FreeBTC.co.in
- FreshCoinsTeam
- BCtec faucet
- Big Bitcoin Earner
- freedombitcoin
- Cryptal Faucetbox
- BTCFixer.com
- ElenaBitcoin
- Faucet Bit.co.in
- intemi
- BusBitcoin
- http://faucetbtc.ru
- Hourly Bitcoin
- crypto4free
- BeFaucet
- WinCo.in/FaucetBOX
- xchange.cc/bitcoincra
- ArtBitcoin
- BoxFaucet
- FreeBetCoin
- Mybestbitcoin
- b-faucet.com
- free faucet eu
- King Of Satoshi
- wot-farm faucet
- FF Bitcoin Faucet
- Bitcoins 4 Free
- Jaz BTC Faucet
- Bitmax
- btc.mrwebin
- Destiny BTC
- FaucetsGalax
- AquaBitcoin.com
- bitkran4ik.ru
- Faucet Bitcoin
- FaucetFM.com
- BTCmsk
- BTC Favorite 2015
- Faucet-Bitcoin
- Bubble Bitcoin
- WorkRuNet.info
- Get Your Free Bitcoins
- Earn Bitcoin Online
- Satoshi Empire
- Faucet Free Bitcoin
- WorkRuNet.net
- S1.EarnBitcoinOnline.com
- bitcoin-master.ru
- faucetbtc New
- S2.EarnBitcoinOnline.com
- GreenBitco.in
- OceanBitcoin
- BitTake
- Bodylaw Bitcoin Faucet
- FasterBit
- CryptoGold Faucets
- Bitcoins43 Faucet
- Satoshi Drip
- faucet Golden eagle
NOTE: The above has been proven to be paying has abundant funds to give out. However, as time goes by, they run out so you can go to the next one or start again from the beginning of the list as for most of them, you can claim every one or five minutes. You can just repeat the sites over and over again to earn more Bitcoins.